Ying Wang (王莹)
Associate professor (副教授, 博士生导师)
Software College
Northeastern University (China)
Office: Information Building B406 or B425E
Address: No.195 Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, China
Email: wangying[-AT-]swc.neu.edu.cn
I am an associate professor in Faculty of Software College, Northeastern University (NEU), China. My research focuses on securing software supply chain, governing software ecosystems (Maven, PyPI Cargo, npm, NuGet, etc.), dependency management, LLM4SE, and software refactoring. I obtained my PhD from Northeastern University, under the supervision of Prof. Zhiliang Zhu and Hai Yu. During 2021/03-2021/03-06, I was supported by Microsoft Research Asia StarTrack Program, as a visiting scholar under the supervision of Prof. Jianguang Lou. During 2022/05-2023/05, I was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in the Castle group, under the supervision of Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung.
王莹博士,现为东北大学软件学院副教授,院长助理, CCF系统软件专委会委员,CCF软件工程专委会委员,CCF开源发展委员会委员, CCF女工委委员。 2019年1月于东北大学软件工程专业获得博士学位,师从朱志良教授。 2019年2月以引进人才副教授身份留校任教。2022年-2023年期间为香港科技大学博士后研究员,师从Shing-Chi Cheung教授。曾荣获微软研究院铸星计划访问学者(2020, 同年全国计算机领域9人入选)、 中国计算机学会优秀博士论文提名奖(2020, 同年唯一女生入选, 全国软件工程专业仅2人入选)、辽宁省优秀博士论文奖(2021, 同年辽宁省软件工程专业2人入选)、 ICSE 2021及ESEC/FSE 2023 ACM SIGSOFT 杰出论文奖(软件工程领域CCF A类顶会, 东北大学历史首次获奖)、IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering期刊编委(软件工程领域CCF A类期刊)。 王莹博士的主要研究方向为智能软件开发技术, AI大模型, 开源软件大数据分析等。 在多种程序语言开源软件生态(包括Java/C#/Python/Go/JavaScript/Android/Rust等)治理方面发表系列学术成果, 形成系列工具平台“英雄联盟”LOL自动化监控开源软件生态的依赖缺陷。多项技术落地于华为、微软等企业平台(微软亚洲研究院关于课题组产学研学术成果的相关报道)。
课题组长期招收有研究热情、认真、努力的博士、硕士研究生。面向国家需求的产业应用方向与华为、微软亚洲研究院、龙芯中科(联合实验室)等多个企业建立长期合作关系。 参与应用项目研发的硕士研究生给予丰厚项目津贴,并提供实习机会。 面向新兴领域探索的研究方向与香港科技大学、微软亚洲研究院、华为、南京大学、鹏城国家实验室、南方科技大学等科研单位保持长期学术合作,目标是发表软件工程等相关领域顶会论文(CCF A类), 科研能力表现优异的学生给予丰厚的科研津贴。 团队欢迎有志于探索基础软件、AI大模型领域的学生,目标是发表顶会、顶刊论文(工作量和贡献足够的学生将作为第一作者),同时产出具备产品落地工业界的学术成果。
Working Experience
- 2019/02-至今, associate professor, Software College, Northeastern University
- 2019/08-2019/09, visiting scholar, CSE Department of SUSTech
- 2021/03-2021/06, visiting scholar (微软亚洲研究院铸星计划访问学者), MSRA, Advisor: Prof. Jianguang Lou
- 2022/05-2023/05, Post-doctoral Fellow, CSE Department of HKUST, Advisor: Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung
- 2013/09-2019/01, Software College, Northeastern University
Ph.D., Software Engineering, Supervisors: Prof. Zhiliang Zhu and Hai Yu
PhD Thesis: 软件系统网络化建模、质量度量与保证 - 2018/01-2018/04, research assistant, CSE Department of HKUST, Advisor: Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung
- 2018/08-2018/09, research assistant, CSE Department of SUSTech
Book Chapters
- [2021-2022中国计算机科学技术发展报告] 《开源软件生态治理技术: 现状、问题与展望》, 1-76 pages.CCF开源发展委员会.
作者:王莹、张宇霞、石琳、王涛、周明辉. (机械出版社, 电子出版, 中国计算机学会编) [Reference]
Special Issue
- [Science of Computer Programming'24] Special Issue on Selected Tools from the Tool Track of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2023 Tool Track).
Editors:Ying Wang*, Tao Zhang, Xiapu Luo, Peng Liang. Science of Computer Programming, Volume 238, December 2024, 103167 [Reference]
- [软件学报’24]王毅博, 王莹*, 余跃, 许畅, 于海, 朱志良. 大模型生成代码的开源许可证违规风险洞察与分析. 软件学报. 2024, 1-22, 录用. (通讯作者, 学生第一) (CCF-A)
- [ASE’24] Yifan Xie, Zhouyang Jia, Shanshan Li, Ying Wang, Jun Ma, Xiaoling Li, Haoran Liu, Ying Fu, Xiangke Liao. How to Pet a Two-Headed Snake? Solving Cross-Repository Compatibility Issues with Hera [C], ASE 2024, 694 - 705. (CCF-A)
- [APSEC’24] Xiang Gao, Ying Wang. Software Supply Chain: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities [C], APSEC 2024 Tutorials. (CCF-C)
- [TOSEM’24] Fanyi Meng; Ying Wang*; Chun Yong Chong*; Hai Yu; Zhiliang Zhu. Evolution-aware Constraint Derivation Approach for Software Remodularization [J], ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, To appear. (通讯作者, 学生第一) (CCF-A)
- [JSEP’24] Fanyi Meng, Hai Yu*, Chun Yong Chong*, Ying Wang, Zhiliang Zhu. Automated construction of reference model for software remodularization through software evolution [J], Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, To appear. (CCF-B)
- [Internetware’24] Fanyi Meng, Ying Wang*, Chun Yong Chong*, Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu. CLUE: Customizing clustering techniques using machine learning for software modularization [C], Internetware 2024: 189-198. (通讯作者, 学生第一) (CCF-C)
- [Euro S&P’24] Huaijin Wang, Zhibo Liu, Shuai Wang*, Ying Wang, Qiyi Tang, Sen Nie, Shi Wu. Are We There Yet? Filling the Gap Between Binary Similarity Analysis and Binary Software Composition Analysis [C], Euro S&P 2024, 1-18. (CCF-C)
- [ICSE’24] Xiaohu Song, Ying Wang*, Xiao Cheng, Guangtai Liang, Qianxiang Wang, and Zhiliang Zhu.
Efficiently Trimming the Fat: Streamlining Software Dependencies with Java Reflection and Dependency Analysis [C], ICSE 2024, Article No. 103: 1-12. (通讯作者, 学生第一).
CCF ChinaSOFT 软件原型竞赛 三等奖, 2023. [Artifact] Slimming tool helps developers reliably remove unnecessary dependencies.
Slimming has been integrated into Huawei's commercial tools.
- [软件学报’23] 王莹, 伍盈欣, 高天, 陈子莺, 许畅, 于海*, Shing-Chi Cheung*. 开源软件库生态治理技术研究综述: 二十年进展. 软件学报. 2023, 1-45, 录用. (CCF-A)
- [ASE’23] Tsz-On Li, Wenxi Zong, Yibo Wang, Haoye Tian, Ying Wang*, Shing-Chi Cheung*, Jeff Kramer (师祖). Nuances are the Key: Unlocking ChatGPT to Find Failure-Inducing Tests with Differential Prompting [C], ASE 2023, ASE 2023, 14-26. (通讯作者). (CCF-A) [Artifact] Differential Prompting tool help developers automatically generate failure-inducing tests leveraging ChatGPT.
- [ESEC/FSE’23] Yibo Wang, Ying Wang*, Tingwei Zhang, Yue Yu, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu, and Zhiliang Zhu.
Can Machine Learning Pipelines Be Better Configured [C], ESEC/FSE 2023, November 2023, Pages 463–475. (通讯作者, 学生第一).
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. [Artifact] Piecer tool helps developers optimaize version combinations of deep learning libraries to obtain better performance of AI models.
- [ISSTA’23] Linlin Li, Ruifeng Wang, Xian Zhan, Ying Wang, Cuiyun Gao, Sinan Wang, Yepang Liu*. What You See Is What You Get? It Is Not the Case! Detecting Misleading Icons for Mobile Applications [C], ISSTA 2023, 1-11, To appear. (CCF-A)
- [TSE’23] Ying Wang, Peng Sun, Lin Pei, Yue Yu*, Chang Xu, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu, and Zhiliang Zhu. PLUMBER: Boosting the Propagation of Vulnerability Fixes in the npm Ecosystem [J], IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume: 49, Issue: 5, 01 May 2023. (CCF-A) [Artifact] Plumber: it helps boost the propagation of vulnerability fixes in the npm ecosystem.
- [TSE’23] Ying Wang, Yibo Wang, Sinan Wang, Yepang Liu*, Chang Xu, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu, and Zhiliang Zhu. Runtime Permission Issues in Android Apps: Taxonomy, Practices, and Ways Forward [J], IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2023, 49(1), 185-210. (CCF-A)
- [ASE’22] Meiqiu Xu, Ying Wang*, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu, and Zhiliang Zhu.
Insight: Exploring Cross Ecosystem Vulnerability Impacts [C], ASE 2022, To appear. (通讯作者, 学生第一) (Acceptance ratio 21.8%=116/531)
CCF ChinaSOFT 软件原型竞赛 三等奖, 2023. [Artifact] Insight: it helps catpure the vulnerability propagation across ecosystems.
- [TSE’22] Zhixing Li, Yue Yu, Tao Wang, Yan Lei, Ying Wang, Huaimin Wang. To Follow or Not to Follow: Understanding Issue/Pull-Request Templates on GitHub [J], IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, To appear. (CCF-A)
- [SecDev’22] Md Mahir Asef Kabir, Ying Wang, Danfeng Yao, and Na Meng. How Do Developers Follow Security-Relevant Best Practices When Using NPM Packages? [C], 2022 IEEE Secure Development Conference (SecDev 2022): 77-83.
- [ICSE’22] Zhenming Li, Ying Wang*, Zeqi Lin*, Shing-Chi Cheung,
Jianguang Lou.
Nufix: Escape From NuGet Dependency Maze [C], ICSE 2022: 1545-1557. (通讯作者, 学生第一)
(Acceptance ratio 26.0%=197/751) (CCF-A)
[Artifact] NuFix: it helps .NET developers combat dependency hell issues.
Nufix has been integrated in Visual Studio 2022 (amd64) by Microsoft. Wecome to install NuGetSolver tool.
- [ICSE’22] Sinan Wang, Yibo Wang, Xian Zhan, Ying Wang, Yepang Liu*, Xiapu Luo, Shing-Chi Cheung. Evolution-Aware Runtime Permission Misuse Detection for Android Apps [C], ICSE 2022: 125–137. (Acceptance ratio 26.0%=197/751) (CCF-A)
- [TSE’22] Ying Wang, Rongxin Wu, Chao Wang, Ming Wen, Yepang Liu, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu*, Chang Xu and Zhiliang Zhu. Will Dependency Conflicts Affect My Program's Semantics? [J], IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2022, 48(7), 2295-2316. (CCF-A)
- [SANER’21] Sinan Wang, Ming Wen, Yepang Liu*, Ying Wang, Rongxin Wu. Understanding and Facilitating the Co-Evolution of Production and Test Code [C], SANER 2021: 272-283. (Acceptance ratio 25%=42/165) (CCF-B)
- [ICSE’21] Ying Wang, Liang Qiao, Chang Xu*, Yepang Liu, Shing-Chi Cheung, Na Meng, Hai Yu and Zhiliang Zhu.
Hero: On the Chaos When PATH Meets Modules [C], ICSE 2021: 99-111.
(Acceptance ratio 22.4%=138/615) (CCF-A)
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. [Artifact] Hero: it diagnoses dependency management issues for Golang ecosystem.
- [ICSE’20] Ying Wang, Ming Wen*, Yepang Liu*, Yibo Wang,
Zhenming Li, Chao Wang, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu, Chang Xu and Zhiliang Zhu.
Watchman: Monitoring Dependency Conflicts for Python Library Ecosystem [C], ICSE 2020: 125-135.
(Acceptance ratio 20.9%=129/617) (CCF-A)
[Artifact] Watchman: it performs a holistic analysis from the perspective of entire PyPI ecosystem to continuously monitor dependency conflicts for millions of Python libraries.
Watchman was recommended by The Morning Paper on Sep 21, 2020, and Python Weekly Magazine(Pycoders) on Issue 441.
- [ICSE’19] Ying Wang, Ming Wen, Rongxin Wu*, Zhenwei Liu, Shin Hwei Tan, Zhiliang Zhu, Hai Yu and Shing-Chi Cheung*. Can I Have a Stack Trace to Examine the Dependency Conflict Issue?[C], ICSE 2019: 572-583. (Acceptance ratio 20.6%=109/529) (CCF-A)
- [TSE’18] Ying Wang, Hai Yu*, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Zhang, Yuli
Zhao. Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering
in Method-level Networks[J], IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2018, 44(3), 202-236. (CCF-A)
“Journal first”invited talk at ESEC/FSE 2017, 2017.09, 德国. (CCF-A) - [ESEC/FSE’18] Ying Wang, Ming Wen, Zhenwei Liu, Rongxin Wu,
Rui Wang, Bo Yang, Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu* and Shing-Chi Cheung*.
Do the Dependency Conflicts in My Project Matter?[C], ESEC/FSE 2018: 319-330. (Acceptance ratio 18.6%=55/295)
CCF ChinaSOFT 软件原型竞赛 二等奖, 2020.
- [JSS’18] Ying Wang, Hai Yu*, Zhiliang Zhu. Using Risk Analysis to Prioritize Test Cases[J], Journal of Systems and Software. 2018, 139, 14-31. (CCF-B)
- [TCAS2’18] Ying Wang, Zhiliang Zhu*, Hai Yu. Risk Analysis on Multi-granular Network for Software Integration Testing[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2018, 65(8): 1059-1063.
- [FITEE’22] Fanyi Meng, Ying Wang, Hai Yu* and Zhiliang Zhu. Devising optimal integration test orders using cost-benefit analysis [J], Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 23, pages 692–714 (2022). (中国工程院院刊, CCF-C)
- [计算机学报’19] 于海, 杨月, 王莹*, 张伟, 朱志良. 基于风险分析的回归测试用例优先级排序. 计算机学报. 2019, 42(10): 2127-2144. (CCF-A)
- [计算机研究与发展’16] 王莹, 于海, 朱志良. 基于节点重要性的类级集成测试序列生成方法. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 53(3): 517-530. (CCF-A)
- [计算机科学’20] 孟繁祎, 王莹, 于海*, 朱志良. 复杂软件系统的重构技术: 现状、问题与展望. 计算机科学. 2020, 47(12): 1-10. 封面论文, (CCF-B)
- [软件学报’22] 于海, 王莹*, 徐美秋, 杨博, 许畅, 朱志良. 软件库依赖图谱的复杂性度量方法及其潜在应用. 软件学报. 2022, 1-23, 录用. (CCF-A)
- 于海, 王莹, 朱志良, 赵玉丽, 张伟. 《一种面向对象软件的类簇测试方法》,专利号:201610021303.0,授权.
- 王莹, 杨月, 于海, 朱志良, 张伟. 《一种面向对象软件的自动化重构方法》,专利号:201610843591.8,授权.
- 刘振伟, 王蕊, 杨博, 王莹, 于海, 朱志良. 《一种评估Maven环境中依赖冲突危险级别的方法》,专利号: CN201810891476.7, 公示.
Software copyrights
- 于海, 王莹, 殷洪建, 朱志良, 张伟, 赵玉丽. 《自动化软件重构系统》
- 朱志良, 王莹, 于海, 杨月, 赵玉丽, 张伟. 《软件重构与度量可视化系统》
- 杨博, 刘振伟, 王蕊, 王莹, 于海, 朱志良. 《开源软件与第三方库交互的缺陷数据采集及度量分析系统》
- 协同代码大模型与开发工具链的自动化软件开发AI Agent, 2024腾讯基础平台技术专项研究计划, 项目负责人, 2024/04-2025/04
- 冗余三方库依赖检测及修复技术, 华为企业合作项目, 项目负责人, 2022/11-2023/12
- 面向LoongArch指令集架构的软件生态移植技术研究, 龙芯中科企业合作项目, 项目负责人, 2022/07-2023/08
- 面向泛在操作系统开源生态的软件供应链可信保障技术研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费, 项目负责人, 2022/01-2023/12
- 面向泛在操作系统开源生态的软件供应链可信保障技术研究, 国家自然科学基专项(重点培育项目), 项目负责人, 2022/01-2023/12
- 开放生态下软件组件依赖的演化机制及置换技术研究, 南京大学软件新技术国家重点实验室开放基金, 项目负责人, 2021/01-2023/12
- 金融科技(方向)课程内容体系改革研究与实践, 辽宁省教改立项, 项目负责人, 2022/01-2023/12
- 多源异构软件系统的智能聚合理论研究, 东北大学软件学院学科发展方向培育项目, 项目负责人, 2021/01-2022/12
- 混源软件中组件依赖的可置换性研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 项目负责人, 2020/01-2022/12
- 开源社区中组件依赖的演化机制及自动化升级技术研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费, 项目负责人, 2020/01-2021/12
- 开源社区中第三方软件的安全置换机制研究, 沈阳市中青年科技创新人才计划, 项目负责人, 2020/01-2022/12
- 网络化软件系统的建模、质量度量及优化机制研究, 东北大学引进人才启动经费, 项目负责人, 2019/03-2019/12
- 微软亚洲研究院铸星计划学者, 2020, [Reference]
中国计算机学会(CCF)优秀博士论文提名奖, 2020, [Reference]
辽宁省优秀博士论文奖, 2020, [Reference]
东北大学优秀博士论文奖, 2020, [Reference]
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ICSE 2021, [Reference]
- 沈阳市中青年科技创新人才计划, 2020
- LOL: 混源软件依赖冲突问题诊断平台, CCF ChinaSOFT 软件原型竞赛 二等奖, 2020, [Reference]
- 东北大学"五四青年岗位能手", 2022, [Reference]
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, ESEC/FSE 2023, [Reference]
- INSIGHT:混合语言软件成分分析技术, CCF ChinaSOFT 软件原型竞赛 三等奖, 2023, [Reference]
- SLIMMING:Java软件中冗余依赖的消解技术, CCF ChinaSOFT 软件原型竞赛 三等奖, 2023, [Reference]
- OpenHarmony社区安全治理贡献个人, 2024, [Reference]
- OpenHarmony社区安全工程能力创新团队(王莹, 王舒婧, 周博, 王嘉伦, 李昊东, 张倩, 王艺皓, 张一博, 师佳琦), 2024, [Reference]
- Devising Optimal Integration Test Orders Using Complex Network Analysis, IWCFTA, 2016.12
- Weighted Clustering in Method Level Networks to Support Automated Software Remodularization, IWCFTA, 2017.08
- Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks, “Journal first” invited talk at ESEC/FSE 2017(CCF A), 2017.09
- Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks, 香港科技大学计算机科学及工程学系, 邀请人: Shing-Chi Cheung, 2017.10
- Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks, 南方科技大学计算机科学与工程系, 邀请人: 刘烨庞, 2018.03
- 混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, 复旦大学软件学院, 邀请人: 陈碧欢, 2018.12
- 混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, 华为技术有限公司, 邀请人: 欧建深, 2019.01
- 混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, NASAC2018 优秀博士论坛特约报告人, 2019.11
- 如何规划科研时间?——谈博士研究之路, 东北大学软件学院, 2020.03
- 谁动了我的奶酪?——混源软件生态的依赖与置换分析, 中国计算机学会软件工程前沿进展报告, 邀请人: 董威, 卜磊, 2020.07, [Poster]
- 混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, 南京大学, 邀请人: 许畅, 2020.09
- 软件工程研究小套路, 扬州大学, 邀请人: 孙小兵, 2020.11
- 开放生态下第三方依赖的分析与治理技术, 澳门科技大学, 邀请人: 张涛, 2020.12
- 开放生态下第三方依赖的分析与治理技术, 软件与智能研讨会(大连理工大学&北京理工大学), 邀请人: 江贺, 2020.12
- 开放生态下第三方依赖的分析与治理技术, 华为技术有限公司, 邀请人: 梁广泰, 2020.12
- 漫画式科研梦想, 做开源世界的“神奇女侠”, Ada Workshop 2021, 邀请人: 中国计算机学会, 中国计算机学会女工委, 微软亚洲研究院, 2021.03
- 开放生态下软件组件的依赖缺陷与坏气味, 中国计算机学会走进河北科技大学活动特邀报告, 邀请人: 张杨, 2021.05
- 逃离NUGET的依赖迷宫, 微软亚洲研究院全院报告, 邀请人: 微软亚洲研究院, 2021.06
- 漫画式科研梦想, 做开源世界的“神奇女侠”, 计算之美——博士生论坛特邀报告, 邀请人: 微软亚洲研究院, 中国计算机学会, 2021.06
- 开放生态下软件组件的依赖缺陷与坏气味的治理技术, 第四届软件全方位检测技术论坛, 邀请人: 李必信, 2021.06
- 开源软件演化的混沌与秩序, 中国数字服务大会 众智论坛, 邀请人: 夏鑫, 2021.11
- 开源软件演化的混沌与秩序, 中国计算机大会(CNCC) 开源软件带来的机会与挑战论坛, 邀请人: 王千祥, 周明辉, 2021.12
- Hero: On the Chaos When PATH Meets Modules, 中国软件大会ChinaSOFT, 顶会顶刊论坛, 邀请人: 刘辉, 张宇霞, 2021.12
- 开源软件演化的混沌与秩序, 国防科技大学计算机学院, 邀请人: 李姗姗, 2022.6
- 语言边境线的"防控": 跨越程序语言生态的安全漏洞传播治理, 复旦大学, 软件供应链系列学术报告, 邀请人: 黄凯锋, 彭鑫, 2022.10, [Poster]
- 开源软件供应链治理技术研究综述:二十年进展 2001-2022, 中国软件大会ChinaSOFT, 泛在操作系统理论、技术与开源生态构建论坛, 邀请人: 郭耀, 孙海龙, 郑炜, 2022.11
- 语言边境线的"防控": 跨越程序语言生态的安全漏洞传播治理, 中国软件大会ChinaSOFT, 开源软件论坛, 邀请人: 张宇霞, 周明辉, 2022.11
- How to Conduct Systematic Research, 香港科技大学计算机科学及工程学系, Castle Research Group, 邀请人: Shing-Chi Cheung, 2022.12
- AIGC时代的软件供应链安全挑战, 国防科技大学计算机学院, 邀请人: 李姗姗, 2023.10
- AIGC时代的软件供应链安全挑战, 中国计算机大会(CNCC) 大模型安全风控论坛, 邀请人: 梁广泰, 2023.10
- 浅谈大模型时代软件供应链安全的研究愿景, 2024 CCF中国开源大会 软件供应链安全论坛, 邀请人: 梁广泰, 2024.11
- 浅谈大模型时代开源生态治理技术, 中国软件大会ChinaSOFT 开源生态治理论坛, 邀请人: 周明辉, 黎立, 高亮, 2024.11
- 跨平台生态共建:软件供应链智能迁移技术初探, 中国软件大会ChinaSOFT 智能化软件开发、测试和维护论坛, 邀请人: 张洪宇, 梁广泰, 2024.11
Teaching Duties
- 2019 (Fall) Lecturer: Software Quality Assurance and Testing
- 2020 (Fall) Lecturer: Software Quality Assurance and Testing
- 2021 (Fall) Lecturer: Software Quality Assurance and Testing
- 2023 (Fall) Lecturer: Open Source Software Build Techniques
Academic services
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2024.07- until now (CCF A)
- Program Committee, ESEC/FSE 2025 Research Track, 2025 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, ICSE 2025 Research Track, 2025 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, ASE 2025 Research Track, 2025 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, ASE 2024 Research Track, 2024 (CCF A)
- Co-Chair, 中国软件大会CHINASOFT 软件工程女性论坛, 2024
- Co-Chair, 中国开源大会 开源生态健康度量论坛, 2023
- Co-Chair, 中国软件大会CHINASOFT 软件工程女性论坛, 2023
- Program Committee, ASE 2023 Research Track, 2022 (CCF A)
- Organizer&Guest Editor, Special Issue on SANER 2023 Tool Track, Science of Computer Programming (SCP), 2024 (CCF B)
- Program Committee, ASE 2022 Research Track, 2022 (CCF A)
- Co-Chair, SANER 2022 Tool Demo Track, 2023 (CCF B)
- Program Committee, ICSE 2023 NIER Track, 2023 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, ESE/FSE 2021 SRC Track, 2021 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, 中国软件大会CHINASOFT 软件数据智能化分析论坛, 2021
- Program Committee, ICSE 2022 NIER Track, 2022 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, DSC 2021, 2021
- Program Committee, ISSTA 2020 Tool Demonstration Track, 2020 (CCF A)
- Program Committee, APSEC 2020, 2020 (CCF C)
- Program Committee, SAC 2020, 2020
- Program Committee, 非确定性软件系统质量保障技术 2020, 软件学报专刊, 2020 (CCF A类中文期刊)
- Program Committee, the 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Bug Fixing (IBF), 2020
- Section Chair of the 12th International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA 2019), 2019
- Reviewer of Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2022
- Reviewer of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2022
- Reviewer of 软件学报, 2022
- Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Reliability (TR), 2022
- Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2022
- Reviewer of Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2021
- Reviewer of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2021
- Reviewer of IET Software, 2021
- Reviewer of ICSE 2021, 2021
- Reviewer of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), 2021
- Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2021
- Reviewer of Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 2020
- Reviewer of Journal of Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 2020
- Reviewer of ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2020
- Reviewer of SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2020
- Reviewer of Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 2019
- Reviewer of Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 2019
- Co-reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2018
- Co-reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Reliability (TR), 2017
- Co-reviewer of the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 2017
My postgraduate students
- Fanyi Meng (PhD; Associate Mentor; Software refactoring)
- Meiqiu Xu (PhD; Associate Mentor; Software component analysis)
- Xiaohu Song (PhD; Associate Supervisor; Program analysis)
- Yibo Wang (王毅博) (PhD; Associate Supervisor; AI4SE)
- Zixin Feng (PhD; Supervisor; AI4SE)
- Bo Zhou (PhD; Supervisor; AI4SE)
- Quan Zhang (MSc; Supervisor; Software instruction set architecture porting)
- Qian Zhang (MSc; Supervisor; OpenHarmony Ecosystem)
- Ping Zhang (MSc; Supervisor; Software instruction set architecture porting)
- Ziying Chen (MSc; Supervisor; Software instruction set architecture porting)
- Haodong Li (MSc; Supervisor; Software instruction set architecture porting)
- Chenguang Wang (MSc; Supervisor; Software instruction set architecture porting)
- Shujing Wang (MSc; Supervisor; Software component analysis)
- Wenxi Zong (MSc; Supervisor; AI4SE)
- Dunwei Du (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for C)
- Sixuan Zhang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for C)
- Peng Sun (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software component analysis)
- Jialun Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for C)
- Xiaochuan Yan (Undergraduate; Associate Mentor; AI4SE)
- Wei Kong (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for Python, 签约国家电网)
- Ruijie Guo (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for Java, 签约阿里巴巴)
- Yan Yuan (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for Go, 签约拼多多)
- Tian Gao (MSc; Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, 签约阿里巴巴)
- Yaxi Zhang (MSc; Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, 签约人寿保险)
- Wei Yang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for C, Vulnerabilities, 签约招商银行)
- Jiaye Hu (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for C,签约北京航空工业电子)
- Chao Zhao (MSc; Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for C,签约贝壳找房)
- Tingwei Zhang (MSc; Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing, 签约美团)
- Yingxin Wu (MSc; Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing, 签约武汉检察院)
- Gege Yuan (Undergraduate; Associate Mentor; dependency management for Java, 新加坡南洋理工大学 MSc)
- Penghui Zhu (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management for Rust, software testing)
- Jiajia Zhang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
- Xiaoting Cai (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
- Zhenming Li (MSc; Supervisor (开山弟子:p); Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing, 签约微软)
- Xiuqi Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing, 签约腾讯)
- Ruifeng Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software engineering for AI models, 签约腾讯)
- Junyan Sun (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing, 签约Oppo)
- Lin Pei (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, software engineering big data, 签约江苏省电信)
- Chao Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 厦门大学 PhD)
- Yibo Wang (王一博) (MSc; Associate Supervisor; 英雄联盟东北大学赛区冠军同桌; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 签约今日头条)
- Liang Qiao (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 签约中国移动)
- Saisai Zhang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 签约携程)
- Jialin Li (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 签约腾讯(Special Offer))
- Gan Zhan (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software engineering for AI models; 日本立命馆大学 PhD)
- Zhenwei Liu (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 签约美团(Special Offer))
- Bo Yang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, third-party libraries; 签约阿里巴巴)
- Rui Wang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software refactoring; 签约美团)
- Yue Yang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software refactoring; 签约中国工商银行(辽宁)省行金融科技部)
- Hongjian Yin (MSc; Associate Mentor; Complex network theory; 签约阿里巴巴(Special Offer))